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Dawnforgedcast 5e Reforged Pdf Free Download


Anonymous No.70781797 Report

Looking for Mini Wasteland, and the deck that goes with it. There is a link in the archive, but it's dead. Thanks all!


Anonymous No.70781917 Report

Quoted By:

O-S-R'chive login info, present wish list, and donation address at left.
Please donate a title or two if you can. When everyone contributes, everyone benefits!
Many thanks to those who help out curating, donating, and cleaning!


Anonymous No.70781921 Report

Quoted By:

Did Monsterpunk ever get shared?


Anonymous No.70782431 Report

For the person searching last thread for iHunt and Shinobigami:
iHunt is in the FATE trove & Shinobigami is in the inner temple for 2 more days as of this post.


Anonymous No.70783022 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Fronds of Benevolence, Bakto's Terrifying Cuisine, Lorn Song of the Bachelor


Anonymous No.70783457 Report

Wonderdraft 1.1.1
Please... I beg you!!!


Anonymous No.70783631 Report

Eclipse Phase 2nd ed and Router Case Files please.


Anonymous No.70783780 Report

Quoted By:

Humbly requesting Non-OEF Ars Magica 2nd Edition.


Anonymous No.70784005 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70784023 Report

Quoted By:

The Wurm art book link in Da Archive is dead. If someone could replace it with a working one, that'd be great.


Anonymous No.70784087 Report

Humbly & respectfully requesting Shadowrun - Shadow Dance by Aaron Rosenberg & the SR5 Mission SRM 08-03 10 Block Tango.
Thank you in advance.


Anonymous No.70784132 Report

Anyone have Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook? Can't seem to find it for some reason.


Anonymous No.70784488 Report

Quoted By:

It's listed in Da Curated Archive under it's publisher.

MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g

MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g No.70784847 Report


Anonymous No.70785416 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you!


Anonymous No.70785440 Report

Quoted By:

d66 Compendium
d66 Compendium 2
d66 Spaceport City Names 2

Sector Asgard Kappa
Five Year Mission

Spacefarers (1993)
Intergalactic RPG
the World Wonders (PFRPG) series


Anonymous No.70785863 Report

Quoted By:

Keeping the request alive for someone to scan The Lejendary Rules for All Players by Gary Gygax and other Hekaforge Productions stuff...Lejend Masters Lore and Beasts of Lejend.


Anonymous No.70786103 Report

Quoted By:

Hey PDF Anon - mind converting this to PDF?


Anonymous No.70786772 Report

Quoted By:

Still hoping for some kind soul to share KUF RPG English edition. Thanks!


Anonymous No.70787098 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70787124 Report

anyone have The Roma Proxy? saw it in the obscure RPG thread


Anonymous No.70787128 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Blood on the Blade second edition. Thanks!


Anonymous No.70787162 Report


- Monsters of The Underworld by Cawood Publishing

- Atlas Animalia Statbook for 5e by Metal Weave Games

- Embers of the Forgotten Kingdom Statbook for 5e a.k.a. "Embers System Companion: D&D 5e" by Metal Weave Games

- Ulraunt's Guide to the Planes: The Shadowfell - the most up to date version with corrections and bestiary additions by Quill & Cauldron

- Infamous Adversaries from DMsGuild

- Monsters of the Old World from DMsGuild



Anonymous No.70787178 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone have any of pic related?


Anonymous No.70787554 Report

Someone said you could find 1001 Science Fiction weapons in the Trove, but I spent 2 hours unable to find it.

Can someone point it out to me?


Anonymous No.70787648 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone have the Conan The Wanderer preview for Conan 2d20?


Anonymous No.70787710 Report

>Someone said you could find 1001 Science Fiction weapons in the Trove, but I spent 2 hours unable to find it.
No, it was stated (>>70616006) that it was in the OGL-D20 trove. If you're too stupid to skip that important detail and wasted your time looking on thetrove instead... that's on you.


Anonymous No.70788017 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Old School Hacks 3: Megadungeon Mayhem. from DM's Guild. D&D troves only have vols 1 and 2.



OldGeezer69 No.70788031 Report



Anonymous No.70788551 Report

That's on him LOL. He certainty saw other content that was interesting in two hours.


Anonymous No.70788747 Report

Where should I look for
The Book of Contemporary Magical Things
The Book of Contemporary Magical Places?
I looked in the CoC trove but couldn't find either.


Anonymous No.70788902 Report

They're not technically Cthulhu specific. Look in the worldbuilding trove (in the Stygian Fox folder).


Anonymous No.70788981 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70789273 Report

Quoted By:

Seriously thought about hacking thetrove. Page doesn't have anything in the way of security. Nothing nefarious in mind. Just change the name on each page to TheDerp. I'd consider it a Public Service Announcement.


Anonymous No.70789940 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Glitch RPG kickstarter backer files by jenna moran. Thank you


Anonymous No.70790038 Report

Quoted By:

Again, humbly requesting the hard to find Eight Kings, Part 4 of the Maze of Zayene series. Thanks in advance.


Anonymous No.70790110 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70790218 Report

Humbly requesting a few DM's Guild books that I'd love to examine them, but they are a bit out of my student budget. A profound thanks for any sharing help!

* The Blackstaff's Book of 1000 Spells
* Cursed Classes
* Wisdom and Warning: The Demon Wastes


Anonymous No.70790295 Report

Anybody know where I can pick up a copy of "Veblen Goods", the Red Markets book?


Anonymous No.70790390 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70790423 Report

The /StvnUniverse trove.


Anonymous No.70790665 Report


Never heard of it. Which company did it publish that game?


Anonymous No.70790677 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you kindly.


Anonymous No.70791915 Report

Has the Dirtside supplement for Hostile been shared?


Anonymous No.70791962 Report

Quoted By:

Yes. It's in the appropriate archive.


Anonymous No.70792101 Report

Quoted By:

I see the Esoterica: Secretum Mundi in the Archive, but I can't seem to find the core.


Anonymous No.70792181 Report

Quoted By:

Where can I find Armor and Weapon Gear Cards for SWADE? I've found the vehicles which I don't need but not weapons and armor.


Anonymous No.70792320 Report

Quoted By:


Compiled Cities Sourcebook
The Neon City | Tokyo 2185
The Capital of the World | Manhattan 2185
British Insurgency | London 2185
(All of these are from the Carbon 2185 project)


Anonymous No.70792443 Report

Quoted By:

Does anyone have a complete collection (As much as possible) of ponyfinder?


Anonymous No.70792542 Report

Shared Dirtside to the Castle


Anonymous No.70792926 Report


Seeing as Hostile uses Cepheus Engine and Cepheus Engine is the OGL version of Mongoose's version of Traveller, in what trove would you think Dirtside for Hostile would be found?

Of course, that assumes you've ever bothered to think.


Anonymous No.70793733 Report

Yeah...that's a great way to ask.

Good luck finding it now. May as well buy it yourself and not bother sharing.


Anonymous No.70793880 Report

Quoted By:

It's been shared. It's in the appropriate trove. As other Anon demonstrated with
>Cepheus Engine ... OGL ... Mongoose/Traveller
'Course, some other Anon will no doubt/has already post(ed) it in the Castle >>70792542

Ask for something without looking is like wanting someone to work for you while you get the paycheck.


Anonymous No.70794165 Report

ultimate spheres?


Anonymous No.70794319 Report

Quoted By:

no idea. >>70761746 piqued my interest to it.


Anonymous No.70794513 Report

Quoted By:

Does anybody have the redux of Godchild by Knighthelm or the companion book Infernal? Looks mighty interesting.


Anonymous No.70794556 Report

Quoted By:

it's in one of the Volas right now. Can't recall which ..

hope The Initiate's Handbook shows up soon too


Anonymous No.70794625 Report

It's on the inner temple vola right now.


Anonymous No.70794752 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70795092 Report

Might be more of AWG's territory, but does anybody know where in hell a humble anon could find GW's Olde "Warhammer historical: Waterloo" in PDF? Lo-Res cover for reference.


Anonymous No.70795110 Report

For you 3.5 collectors - do any of you fine folk have the follow-up book, 'Trailblazer: Teratologue'?

This is by Bad Axe Games using the post-3.5 and PF1e-ish system called Trailblazer.

Thanks in advance!


OldGeezer69 No.70795195 Report

OGL-d20 trove/repository/thingy in the 3e/Badaxe Games folder


Anonymous No.70795251 Report

Quoted By:

New version of wonderdraft? Anyone?


Anonymous No.70795269 Report

Quoted By:

Yay! I just downloaded it from your trove. Thanks, OldGeezer. Damn, there's a lot of other great stuff in there too!!


Anonymous No.70795477 Report

Quoted By:

>Shadowrun - Shadow Dance
>SR5 Mission SRM 08-03 10 Block Tango
Yes please!


Anonymous No.70795737 Report

Anyone know where I can find good Rocket Age material?


Anonymous No.70795869 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Vault of Magic 1 and Vault of Magic 2 please. DMsGuild releases. TYVM


Anonymous No.70796087 Report

Quoted By:

Requestin Death on the pitch - A Blood Bowl anthology.

Thanks in advance.


Anonymous No.70796137 Report

Final part of the Attack of the Swarm AP was apparantly just shared, but I missed it on the revolving trove. Any chance of a re-up, or an ETA on the official Repository?


Anonymous No.70796157 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting from 6d6 Fireball
6d6 RPG Core 2e
Age Of Legends
100 Monster Bestiary

Thanks in advance.


OldGeezer69 No.70796199 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70796265 Report

Quoted By:

Check the shelf.


Anonymous No.70796303 Report

Quoted By:

>ETA on the official Repository
In the future, it might help to remember that items are often available in the monthly releases repository (see >>70784847 for URL/pass) well before they are added to their respective repositories.


Anonymous No.70796386 Report


Good luck finding it now? The post you're whining about told you precisely WHERE to find it, doofus.


Anonymous No.70796579 Report

Which version of Rocket Age?


Anonymous No.70797500 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70797639 Report

Quoted By:

Jesus H....get a life.


Anonymous No.70797698 Report

Quoted By:

+1 all of these


Anonymous No.70798471 Report

REQUESTING Fantasy Grounds Rulesets / Modules
Any troves/volas focusing on this content?


Anonymous No.70798999 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Ice Kingdoms: A Game of Thanes.
The newest release from Mad Martian Games.
A good chunk of the prior books have been shared already.
Thank you.


Anonymous No.70799024 Report


Read the PDF in the OP.


Anonymous No.70799118 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Esoterica from Fire Ruby, I've found some links in the thread archives but they are dead.


Anonymous No.70801837 Report

Quoted By:

Any copy of Zona Alfa yet?


Anonymous No.70801862 Report

Quoted By:

Humbly requesting the old Shadowrun Tokyo sourcebook for 2e.


Anonymous No.70802017 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70802897 Report

Core Rulebook
Character Sheet
Signature Characters
Blood Red Mars
Heroes of the Solar System
The Lost City of the Ancients

[email protected]


Anonymous No.70803230 Report

Quoted By:

Cavern of Carse (that's cavern, not castle!)


Anonymous No.70803416 Report

I don't guess anyone has Silent Legions do they?


Anonymous No.70803449 Report

Quoted By:

It's OSR, isn't it? Then Bytee's O-S-R archive should have it.


Anonymous No.70803519 Report

Quoted By:


I don't guess you read the PDF in the OP or even bothered to look in Bytee's O-S-R trove, did you?


Anonymous No.70803655 Report

Looking for Mothership stuff.
The Black Heart of Paradise
The Haunting of Ypsilon 14


Anonymous No.70803725 Report

Quoted By:

Does anyone have a pdf of Demon Collective?


Anonymous No.70803805 Report

GURPS Vehicles: Transports of Fantasy


Anonymous No.70804867 Report

Quoted By:

Hey hey. Just a quick humble request for any of these Legendary Games adventures for PF 2nd Edition. Danke schön!

> The Horseshoe Calamity
> The Murmuring Fountain
> The Lost Library of Thoth


Anonymous No.70805217 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone got Heroes of the Mists?


Anonymous No.70805515 Report

The Why Not Games books.

I already have those, but thank you. I should have been more specific.


Anonymous No.70805571 Report

Quoted By:

Kindly requesting Fungi of the Far Realms by Melsonian Arts Council.



Anonymous No.70805717 Report

Requesting Schema Iteration 7
Thanks in advance


Anonymous No.70806207 Report

Looking for following PF1 titles:
Bloodline&Black Magic - Crescent City by Storm Bunny
Monster Menagerie - Draconis Arcanus by Rogue Genius
Pathways Bestiary by Rite Publishing
Plight of the Tuatha AP 2&3 by Mor Games
Into the Wintery Gale Raider's Haul by AdventureAWeek


Anonymous No.70806502 Report

Hey anyone got D&D 4e Halls of Undermountain? Couldn't see it on the trove.


Anonymous No.70806506 Report

You sure you delved in deep to MageGuru's PF trove and OG's new d20/PF trove?

Some of these were shared awhile ago. Especially Draconis and Pathways.


OldGeezer69 No.70806573 Report


How about the 4e folder



Anonymous No.70806924 Report

Does anyone know of a vola or trove specializing in hex & chit (especially scifi and fantasy games)?


Anonymous No.70807024 Report

Seek thee the temple.


Anonymous No.70807103 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70807229 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70807326 Report

Quoted By:

I did not realise there would be a 4e folder in that; it is there indeed. Cheers!


Anonymous No.70807800 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70807866 Report

Quoted By:

Could anybody share the Forthright Open Roleplay corebook, please? Thanks in advance!


Anonymous No.70808042 Report

Anybody have Mork Bork? Thanks in advance!


Anonymous No.70808188 Report

Quoted By:

Neither trove has them. If they were shared it wasn't through Mage, do you remember where you've seen them?


Anonymous No.70808494 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70808498 Report

Quoted By:

Been shared often, but keeper of the Free League trove has not yet added it to its home repository. I'd wager one of the usual suspects will post it to a vola soon.


Anonymous No.70808515 Report

Quoted By:

Questions in the negative have always seemed to be self-defeating. Thus, I personally allow them to be.


Anonymous No.70808728 Report

Quoted By:

I would also like to request the guide to the planes: The Shadowfell


Anonymous No.70808755 Report

Quoted By:

Hope this V0la has what you need



Anonymous No.70809290 Report

Quoted By:

Hey everyone, I'm looking for the following things:
• Disciples of Bone & Shadow
• Dungeon Solitaire: Devil's Playground
• League of Seekers
• Strange Tales of Songling
• The Citadel at Nordvorn
Thanks in advance!


Anonymous No.70810032 Report

Please hook me up with some Ghost Ops supplements. I'm looking for "Joint Task Force", "Supply Drops & Safehouses", and "Expanded and Optional rules and Gear".

Are they in an annex somewhere?


Anonymous No.70810510 Report


Read the PDF in the OP.


Anonymous No.70810579 Report


Anonymous No.70810591 Report

Quoted By:

What? I've checked the archive, it only has the core and new equipment.


Anonymous No.70810625 Report


Yes, look in Da Curated Archive found through the pic in the OP


Anonymous No.70810941 Report

Quoted By:

bump this, althought I myself can settle for a previous version as well. It was on some shelf last thread but I missed it. Anyone can deliver?


Anonymous No.70811279 Report

I just looked, Ghost Ops isn't in the curated archive.


Anonymous No.70811294 Report

Quoted By:

BIG update for /WFRP. Some kind anon dropped a shit ton of Spanish and French files, with some sprinkling of Italian, Japanese, German, and Russian.

Remember to post stuff to drop if you have anything not included. /megadrop/mCmeKDr3SnA


Anonymous No.70811592 Report

Quoted By:


Was >>70810625 a reply to your post?


Anonymous No.70811987 Report

Quoted By:

I found nothing related to Fantasy Grounds on any of those PDFs
Could you point me somewhere specific?


Anonymous No.70812706 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Monsters of the Underworld


Anonymous No.70812840 Report

Quoted By:

Is there any trove or vola dedicated to game art books and/or lore books?

Looking for:
WoW: Art of Warlords of Draenor
WoW: Art of Legion
LoL: Realms of Runeterra


Anonymous No.70813054 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Death on the pitch - A Blood Bowl anthology.

Thanks in advance.


Anonymous No.70813400 Report

>The Why Not Games books
I only have the core book.


Anonymous No.70813595 Report

look in the Graveyard


Anonymous No.70813867 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you for Schema!


Anonymous No.70814240 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Dawnforgedcast "5E Reforged"


Anonymous No.70814507 Report

Requesting Kaigaku 2nd Edition


Anonymous No.70815609 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Outbreak Undead 2e Game Masters Guide.


Anonymous No.70816223 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting 'Whisper House' from Legendary Games.

The 5e version - not the PF version. Cheerio!


Anonymous No.70816638 Report

Quoted By:

Bit of an odd request, looking for some board game scans.

>Tome of Annihilation
The DnD Adventure System one. Rulebook, adventure, card, and tile scans.

>Quarriors Qultimate Quedition
Just card scans.


Anonymous No.70817079 Report

Quoted By:

Still looking for Tunnels & Trolls 6th edition. Please and thank you. Yes, I know it's an unauthorized piece of shit, but so is this whole board. And I love you pieces of shit, I really do.


Anonymous No.70817211 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Complete Canal Priests of Mars for Space 1889 TIA


Anonymous No.70817432 Report

Has 'Expedition to the Barrier Peaks' 5e been posted anywhere yet? Really want to run my players through this classic.


Anonymous No.70817751 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Akroydiesel Age RPG


Anonymous No.70817919 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone got fillable sheets for the Cubicle 7 Doctor Who game? Need ones for characters and a TARDIS


Anonymous No.70817988 Report

Inner Temple, incl. charsheets.


Anonymous No.70818755 Report

Not him

Pardon my stupidity, I keep seeing inner temple mentioned I had no idea what it is. Is a rebrand ly link or something? Is it just another name for da archives or something. I get everything else but this.


Anonymous No.70818771 Report


maybe you should read the docs?


Anonymous No.70818963 Report

Ah, I found it. I was expecting it to be in the OP pdf rather than where it actually was. Cool cool cool.


Anonymous No.70819626 Report

>I was expecting it to be handed to me on a silver platter.



Anonymous No.70819959 Report

Quoted By:

Does anyone have a pdf scan of GMT's SPQR Deluxe Edition battle/scenario book?


CityofCarse No.70820077 Report

it has for awhile now. Read the OP.


Anonymous No.70820869 Report

I'm looking for some proper papercraft guides for 40k Imperial Guard vehicles. Lot of deadend links out in the wild.


Anonymous No.70821367 Report

Quoted By:

I want to check out some of the *A Monster for Every Season* books to make sure the printable minis are actually what I want, specifically Spring 2, Summer, and Winter. Does anyone have a current source? Low-res preview versions are fine as long as they actually show the pages.


Anonymous No.70821563 Report

>I've figured out most of the other things but I don't get this one thing
>It's in there
>Oh it was several documents deep instead of the main document okay
Okay friendo.


Anonymous No.70821594 Report


Anonymous No.70821932 Report

Requesting Legendary Games's Psibertech book.
Thanks in advance.


Anonymous No.70821965 Report

Can you not even make an attempt to look in the relevant repository before requesting something?


Anonymous No.70822029 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Lex Arcana - 2ed Italian version.
Thanks in advance!


Anonymous No.70822095 Report

Quoted By:

Wow buddy, damn you sure are superior than everyone and everything around you. Wouldn't have realized it if you didn't spaz out on the internet dot com over nothing. Gosh dang it.


Anonymous No.70822156 Report

Quoted By:

I opened the repository earlier, and I guess I boomered it up or something, and I didn't end up seeing it. I checked back after you mentioned and it opened the repository correctly, and showed the folders right.


Anonymous No.70822191 Report

Quoted By:

Hey for some reason the Extinction Curses PDF of the battle maps is low resolution after the first page, any reason thats happening?


Anonymous No.70822778 Report

Quoted By:

Why does Mikey always get the silver platter!


Anonymous No.70822787 Report

Quoted By:

Onions Yellow is Made of Hipsters!!!


Anonymous No.70823204 Report

So, how does one find a microscope book if you wanted it?


Anonymous No.70823227 Report


Anonymous No.70823272 Report

Quoted By:

Cheers to whomever uploaded the deluxe edition of The Blackest of Death to the Inner Temple - many thanks!


Anonymous No.70823509 Report

Request on Forbidden Frootopia.


Anonymous No.70823664 Report

Thanks, anon. I'll go there now.


Anonymous No.70824179 Report

Requesting the following books:
Rocket Age - Rocket Racers.
Rocket Age - Non-Stop to Jupiter.
Rocket Age - Imperial Jupiter.
Rocket Age - Slaves of the Earthlings.


Anonymous No.70824206 Report


Anonymous No.70824236 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70824258 Report

Hi thread,

Someone recently posted The Expanse TTRPG for me and I really appreciate it, but I didn't download the pregenerated adventure that's part of the pack - it's called "The Ganymede Insurance Job". Can anyone upload that?


Anonymous No.70824271 Report


Anonymous No.70824312 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70824561 Report

Does anyone have any of the books for Never Going Home?


Anonymous No.70824685 Report

Quoted By:

It's now up there for you, some kind anon has posted it.


Anonymous No.70824689 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for scans of Infinity Artbook One, Daedalus Fall and Angel Giraldez Painting Masterclass Vol. 1 and 2.


Anonymous No.70824745 Report

Never Going Home is in the Steven Universe Trove.

Looking for the solo game The Drifter (


The February 2020 version of Henshin! (


Anonymous No.70825323 Report

Does anybody know if that 52-in-52 that Rogue Genius was offering is any good? And does anybody have it?


Anonymous No.70825344 Report

Quoted By:

Does anyone have Conflict Games - Combat Desceiption cards and other things?


Anonymous No.70825642 Report

Quoted By:

One generous Anon donated the first 4 files (each comes in PF1e, PF2e, SF and 5e separate PDFs) to one of our all-star cleaners. Owen writes terrific stuff.

I hope to see more of these in our threads and Volas as the year progresses.


Anonymous No.70825674 Report

Quoted By:

Book of Seasons: Solstices

Anybody have this big 5e book? TIA.


Anonymous No.70825751 Report


Hey MG. Did you recently say that you were working on a project where you were cleaning a number of the 5e Classic Modules Today files from Dm's Guild?

I was thinking of buying a few. But if you'll be posting them soon, I'll get something else and donate them.



Anonymous No.70826618 Report

Requesting the new PF1 bestiary from LearnLarp Publishing with all lush, nifty monster art.

Magimundi Bestiary


Anonymous No.70827010 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70827498 Report

Requesting Dogs in the Vineyard, cover and all. Apparently, there is an updated version supposedly around the web.


Anonymous No.70827787 Report

Quoted By:

Daily check on the dusty shelf and I see a Lancer book about to expire. Is that the only one available right now or the others (from their goals) are also out there?


Anonymous No.70827930 Report

Quoted By:

i was too late for Eclipse phase 2e. Would someone be so kind to reupload? thanks.


Anonymous No.70828197 Report

Quoted By:

> Magimundi Bestiary


Anonymous No.70828278 Report

I missed Shinobigami, unfortunately. Could you reupload it? Thanks in advance.


Anonymous No.70828289 Report


Anonymous No.70828455 Report

Requesting Oracle of War Eberron campaign (AL-EB-01 The Night Land, etc).


Anonymous No.70828591 Report


Anonymous No.70828615 Report

Quoted By:

It's still in the relevant repository.


Anonymous No.70828689 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70828822 Report

Not the guy that asked, but I love when people just say "read op" instead of "it should be in curated under goodman games" or something, because, again, not the guy that asked, but a few basic hints can go a long way. The module he is asking for, by the way, is not in the share anywhere that I've seen.


Anonymous No.70828893 Report

The guy LITERALLY asked for a "5E" module, so he all but answered his own request. (There's no better hint that anyone could possibly provide.) I would say that you're the one making the situation more confusing by throwing out hypothetical troves. (i.e. "curated under goodman games").


Anonymous No.70828949 Report

4chan butthurt is strong in this thread. The guy asked for a book that is not shared and was told "read op" like that would somehow help him find the book. Can't sage my post enough smdh


Anonymous No.70828968 Report

Quoted By:

Then you are not looking in any of the relevant places. I found it, for one, in the OGL-d20 trove.


Anonymous No.70828987 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70829004 Report

>a few basic hints can go a long way

Not being a lazy stupid fuck and taking a moment to think before begging will go even longer. Suggesting that some lazy fuck who already knows the file they want is for 5E would need a hint about where to look is laughable.

It's long past time you filth did your own homework.


Anonymous No.70829011 Report

For fuck's sake. Here you go you goddamn moron.


Anonymous No.70829063 Report

It's literally not in the 5e archive, though. If you look under 5e stuff, it's not there, it's in the OGL-d20 (ie 3e) stuff. How can you even play RPGs when you can't pay attention to what was just posted five minutes ago?


Anonymous No.70829090 Report

OGL-d20 covers 3e/4e/5e/PF/SF
Its in the 5e Third Party folder under the relevant it really that difficult?


Anonymous No.70829103 Report

It's not even for me, but thanks for being a wank


Anonymous No.70829104 Report

>How can you even play RPGs when you can't pay attention to what was just posted just three minutes before you?


Anonymous No.70829193 Report

If you aren't the one that I was replying to, then why the hostility (as if you were personally insulted)?

Defending someone else (that got hostile first) on behalf of someone else that was told where to look and didn't ask again. Evidently, the ONLY person here that wasn't bothered by the statement "read the OP" was the original requester that asked for it in the first place.


Anonymous No.70829233 Report


Anonymous No.70829301 Report

Three minutes before the post replied to. A screenshot was shown showing it in the 5E repository. (Thus proving "It's literally not in the 5e archive" incorrect.)

Hell, it was even posted so long ago (the one month in the screenshot is when the D&D repositories were combined) that it's even in thetrove as well.


Anonymous No.70829334 Report

Tabletop gaming is generally one of the more friendly and welcoming group hobbies but for some reason, probably because of the anonymous nature of image board culture, there is a LOT of hostility here. If "just be nice to everyone" was an enforceable rule then maybe we'd all just be friends.

To quote a mad genius, "if a lot of people love each other the world will be a better place to live."

I stopped donating my PDFs to this cause a while ago (shame on me, right, but at least I was contributing) because of this kind of hostility. I don't personally care how you idiots get your PDFs (or if you buy the books you use, you are doing that, right?) and I know there are people that will pick up my slack, but honestly I don't see why "check the op" is a better response than "it's in OGL-d20," which is a weird fucking place for it to be anyway, but that's not the point of the discussion. The post was already "wasted," so why not at least make it a useful post? Why not say "hey man, you're probably looking for it under Goodman Games, which is the publisher, but that collection is under Classic Modules Today," which is more helpful. But you all are going to reply rudely to this post anyway so who even cares?


Anonymous No.70829388 Report

The same can be said easily for the requesters. Had the request been phrased as "Not the previous requester but I looked and couldn't find it." then the situation would be VASTLY different. Instead, the poster NEVER even stated that they were requesting it as well.

The only take-away from that fact is that they were more interested in chastising Carse for how he chose to help someone than actually finding it.


Anonymous No.70829462 Report

I'm not trying to defend anyone, or really even point fingers at specific anons, but I think that the designed obtuse nature of these sharing threads leads to people being confused about how they work. If people are going to make shitty replies that aren't helpful and still go toward the post limit it wouldn't hurt to, I don't know, follow "step 1" of the OP


Anonymous No.70829540 Report

Quoted By:

You replied to me. That's LITERALLY how you "point fingers at certain anons" to now claim otherwise is disingenuous. To characterize my reply that you replied to as one of those "shitty replies that aren't helpful" before invoking rule are a hypocrite.


Anonymous No.70829941 Report

Quoted By:

Up on the shelf.


Anonymous No.70830258 Report

Quoted By:


To be entirely fair, even though that wasn't the case here, I started noticing that a lot of people are replying to requests with the default "read the OP" and "check the trove" responses lately when it's clear they haven't bothered to check the archives themselves to see if the requested files are actually there. A lot of times they actually aren't and the request is valid. Yes, we get our fair share of clueless and lazy newcomers, but there are also a bunch of folks around here just waiting in the sidelines for an opportunity to yell "read the OP" to start an argument on purpose - and they often jump the gun.


Anonymous No.70830444 Report

I'm curious to hear from any anons on this thread who have downloaded .pdf from the archives or where ever and then used a print on demand service to create hard copies. Where there any issues? Were you able to achieve this without arousing suspicion? What was the quality of the hard copy? Softback or hardback or anything else you want to share about P.O.D what company did you use?


Anonymous No.70830482 Report

I have done this locally with a few books and didn't have any issues. I told the gents working at the shop that I'd bought a PDF online and wanted it printed and bound (soft cover) but not tried any online services. Check if your town has a local print shop (not a big box Kinkos or Office Depot) and they'll probably do it for you.


Anonymous No.70830509 Report

Did the quality work out okay for you anon? Also do you think online service may be looking out for this kind of stuff or was it just you being naturally cautious?


Anonymous No.70830542 Report

Quoted By:

The quality I got was good, linen paper for the cover and mild gloss for the pages. I went with a local shop because they could get it done for me in 3 days and without a shipping charge. There were some artifacts around any of the scanned PDF jpegs that would be expected with a scanned book, but the ones that were always PDF (not OCR scans) came out super clean.


Anonymous No.70830700 Report

Quoted By:

One of our GM's does it all the time with OEF Pathfinder handbooks through his works print service, and they are as good as the originals, cheaper and on better quality paper.
The only quality issue has been some loose and/or off-centre staples.

MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g

MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g No.70830993 Report

Quoted By:

No, I am remastering the original TSR modules. There is a wishlist in the Repository and Monthly share.


Anonymous No.70831145 Report

>I don't know, follow "step 1" of the OP

We'll follow Step 1 when the stupid lazy filth follow Step 0.


Anonymous No.70831261 Report

Quoted By:

Don't waste your time and/or energy. Anyone that talks about "shitty replies that aren't helpful" immediately before complaining about how nobody follows step 1 shouldn't be taken seriously.


Anonymous No.70831415 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70831481 Report

Not up to date.


Anonymous No.70831509 Report

Quoted By:

Not understandable


Anonymous No.70831636 Report

Quoted By:

Still looking for Greg Saunder's Esoterica, I saw some archived threads where people shared it but apart from Secretum Mundi I can't find the corebook.


Anonymous No.70831640 Report

Quoted By:

Some months ago I was also looking for Goodman's classic modules, didn't realize they might be elsewhere.
So I've just downloaded whole 3PDnD.

Long time donor and curator here.

MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g

MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g No.70831735 Report

Quoted By:

What do you mean?


Anonymous No.70832331 Report

Requesting Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined


Anonymous No.70832383 Report

An anon as Mouse Guard 2rd?

Do people still want Microscope? It's hard to find but I have it.


Anonymous No.70832796 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Warmachine Oblivion.
Thanks in advance


Anonymous No.70832814 Report

That's not how it works.

Dritte specifically said that *ALL* the steps should be followed *ALL* the time.

The steps are NOT sequential.


Anonymous No.70833205 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70834101 Report

>I stopped donating my PDFs to this cause a while ago
Exact point in your post to stop and ignore the whole thing.


Anonymous No.70834108 Report

Does anyone have the Starfinder critical hit and fumble decks?


Anonymous No.70834502 Report

Quoted By:

Exactly. AngryAnons calling others out for ignoring the very same post they themselves are ignoring is hypocritical.


Anonymous No.70834518 Report

Are Mage's repo's acting up for anyone else? It keeps trying to download a nonexistent file rather than actually taking me to the repository for both Feb-Releases and PF-Repository.


Anonymous No.70834583 Report

That's a common allsync problem. Give it some time.


CityofCarse No.70834644 Report

Quoted By:

in the castle of carse



Anonymous No.70834890 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70835232 Report

Err... going trough [email protected] to access cthulhu trove indicates deleted link... As does the Pathfinder one...


Anonymous No.70835246 Report

And PF doesn't have alt...


Anonymous No.70835660 Report

requesting solipsist


Anonymous No.70835971 Report

IDK about CoC, but the PF trove has been reorganized and has a new link. Look for Mageguru's link list in this thread.


Anonymous No.70836020 Report

Quoted By:

This is probably the exact attitude why


Anonymous No.70836085 Report

Thanks will check after work


Anonymous No.70836122 Report

Quoted By:

Though I was sure I was using the last link list...
I do hoard the old.... lists so I may be wrong
Sorry for bothering about PF
CoC has Alt but if one is down someone with time and knowledge should check the others...


Anonymous No.70836534 Report

Quoted By:

a self-referential search may find it in the innertemple


Anonymous No.70836844 Report

Quoted By:

Wonderdraft 1.1.1
Anyone? Anywhere?


Anonymous No.70837279 Report

Does anyone have any of the Almanacs for modern Blood Bowl?


Anonymous No.70838637 Report

Quoted By:

Never been scaned.


Anonymous No.70838646 Report

Microscope is in Forbidden Frootopia with all the other banned things.


Anonymous No.70838754 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for these Legendary Games titles for PF:
Trail of the Apprentice AP
Crisis at Falling Spring Station
Horrific Curses
Imperial Relationships
Mythic Minis #81-105


Anonymous No.70838888 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Baldur's Gate: Fall of Elturel. It was in Mage's trove and I could have sworn I dl'ed it, but apparently not. So please.


Anonymous No.70839007 Report

Any chance there is a pdf of Motherships APoF? Can't seem to find it on Bastion or Church


Anonymous No.70839574 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for the complete version of "The Dragon's Gate - San Angelo's Chinatown" for the Action! System.


Anonymous No.70839755 Report

Quoted By:

In the CAVERN of Carse just for your eyes.

/r/nqacax5m @ v0la


Anonymous No.70839765 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70839887 Report

Looking for 13th age shards of the broken sky. Pretty old but not in any troves. Pls anons I need lava dorfs


Anonymous No.70840346 Report


Anonymous No.70840433 Report

Quoted By:

Just found it. thanks


Anonymous No.70840686 Report

Quoted By:

Does anyone have the updated Lancer core book? I saw that they updated it two days ago. Also, sucks that the new version of Comp/Con requires you to buy the main pdf to use the encounter builder.


Anonymous No.70841145 Report

anyone have a copy of the Unearthed Arcana subclasses part 2 that Wizards uploaded and pulled down yesterday?


Anonymous No.70841279 Report

Quoted By:

Howdy. This is a request for 'Art of Magic - Heretical Pacts'.

It's 5e, but published by the PF-heavy company, d20PFSRD Publishing. Thank you and please!

Han O'Nym

Han O'Nym No.70841310 Report

Well you should check your fingers, then, cause they're obviously typing whatever they want, considering Cthulhu is OK....


Anonymous No.70842137 Report

Quoted By:


[Genesys Foundry] Blank Adversary Cards Bundle
[Genesys Foundry] Instant Adversaries
[Genesys Foundry] Adversary Card Template



Anonymous No.70842207 Report

Requesting Flying Lead by ganeshagames


Anonymous No.70842792 Report

Hey does anybody have Quantum Black pdf? It's one of the Ubiquity-based games.


Anonymous No.70843014 Report

Quoted By:

>even in TheTrove

And that idiot still cant find it... baka


Anonymous No.70843035 Report

Quoted By:

Only you exist, though.


Anonymous No.70843692 Report

Is there an issue with [email protected]<dot>ly /ShareThread?
When I enter the URL (correctly, of course) my browser tried to download something rather than open the repository with the Archive files (Da Curated Archive, etc). What am I doing wrong?


Bytee No.70843764 Report

Nothing wrong. Allsync is down atm. Common issue, it'll be back along with the other Allsync repos. Just try again later.


Anonymous No.70843815 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you... I just discovered the same issue with Feb-Releases, so that's probably the problem.


Anonymous No.70844062 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70844116 Report

Its just business to ye local print shoppe. They wont care that it might be piracy, as log as you pay.

It might get more difficult to do if publishers start putting the Eurion Constellation in their products (or similar). I am surprised they haven't already, but maybe it is difficult for them to implement since they can't copy it either...


Anonymous No.70844172 Report


Anonymous No.70844192 Report

Quoted By:

>Its just business to ye local print shoppe. They wont care that it might be piracy, as log as you pay.
Yeah that's all well and good but I would prefer to source around for the cheapest option available to the quality I expect. I just wanted to confirm the reason why the anon went with a local print shop than an online one and I thought it was a piracy issue but now I can see that it isn't.


Anonymous No.70844357 Report

Quoted By:


CityofCarse No.70844750 Report

First 3 books for the Heroes & Heroines rpg line is in the world of darkness vola. Thanks to CWOD for bookmarking!


(am searching out the last book 4, and will post when it get it scanned)


Anonymous No.70844820 Report

Quoted By:

CWOD, I just uploaded some books to your donation site. They need to be cleaned before you repost them. Thanks.


Anonymous No.70844832 Report

Quoted By:

Eh... local businesses have been sued for baking CAKES with a licenced character on them. They have plenty to lose.


Anonymous No.70845622 Report

Quoted By:

Ha ha, I remember this one myself, so thank-you!


Anonymous No.70845687 Report

having a problem with [email protected] dont know how to get in now , dont know how to open the file, can somebody helps??


Anonymous No.70845783 Report

Quoted By:

Seconding this request


Anonymous No.70846052 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Maps 1: The Book of Cities from Flying Buffalo. Finding everything but. Thanks, gang, keep doing what you do.


Anonymous No.70846223 Report

Quoted By:

Is there a way for a yokel like me to learn how to remove watermarks from PDFs?


Anonymous No.70846244 Report

Is it just me or r3br4ndly broke?


Anonymous No.70846467 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70846896 Report


Anonymous No.70847370 Report

Quoted By:

You should go to /po/.
They have a thread dedicated to Warhammer 40.000


Anonymous No.70847460 Report

In the inner temple :)


Anonymous No.70847471 Report

when I try to go to O-S-R, I just get a download for some weird file.



Anonymous No.70847485 Report

Quoted By:

Never mind, I'm retarded, just saw the other messages.


Anonymous No.70847974 Report

Quoted By:

Found it in /awg/ mega misc folder. But hey, thanks!


Anonymous No.70848022 Report

look in the Graveyard


Anonymous No.70848093 Report

13th Age's Book of Heroic Races: Age of Races 1 anyone? Dunno where pelgrane trove >>70840346 is, r3brand has a file type idk, and couldn't find it in the old archive or annex pdfs I had saved.


Anonymous No.70848156 Report

What's the graveyard? I can't find anything on it in the FAQ PDF file


Anonymous No.70848242 Report


The PDF in the OP tells you where to get the documents which explain everything, anon. Follow that link, download the docs, and read the one titled "Da Curated Archive".


Anonymous No.70848249 Report

it's a Vola room


Anonymous No.70848266 Report

Quoted By:

Dude, sick.
Yep I was in the middle of getting mIRC to work, and I'll definitely use this method in the future.
Thanks anons, you were very helpful. Cheers.


Anonymous No.70848284 Report

Rebrand<dot>ly is a URL redirect. It's followed by a (usually) easier to remember link to a specific site. In this case, /Pelgrane (capitalization doesn't matter). You can find the book in the /13th Age/3rd Party [Non-Pelgrane]/Jon Brazer/ folder there.


Anonymous No.70848356 Report

Anyone getting issues where the Rebrand<dot>ly links just download an unusable file? I can't seem to access any of them anymore.


Anonymous No.70848398 Report

Rebrand is fine, however AllSync (the underlying hosting service for many troves) is having problems.


Anonymous No.70848409 Report

I was talking about /ShareThread giving me a file from allsync called SxKBZJ2Q569qXsc, but /Pelgrane did work, thank you.


Anonymous No.70848411 Report

Quoted By:

Ahh, I see the above replies. I'm an idiot.


Anonymous No.70848424 Report

Quoted By:

Yes, /Pelgrane is hosted on Yandex. /ShareThread is hosted on AllSync. saying "Rebrand is fine, however AllSync (the underlying hosting service for many troves) is having problems".


Anonymous No.70848441 Report

Quoted By:

I'm looking for A Classic Psionic System for 5e and Psionic Powers, Practitioners, & Perils, if anyone has them.

Anonymous 2

Anonymous 2 No.70848866 Report

Quoted By:

Can someone please reup Ultimate Spheres to one of the Volas?



Anonymous No.70848930 Report

Quoted By:

Thanks for posting Cities, whoever did it! Um, do you also
have the City of the Gods Map Pack, by chance? Does anyone?


Anonymous No.70849428 Report

A Guide to Thieves' Guilds
This just dropped recently on DTRPG. It' by Third Kingdom Games for various OSR rulesets.


Bytee No.70849636 Report

Quoted By:

>A Guide to Thieves' Guilds
Oh cool, feel free to drop it at


Anonymous No.70849709 Report

.... now it is giving me the allsync issue and I just reloaded the tab so it wasn't fingers...


Anonymous No.70849804 Report

What's up with the Feb repository? Did it get nuked?

MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g

MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g No.70849843 Report


ALLSYNC Updates are going on. This is generally the behavior when they are doing stuff on the backend.


Anonymous No.70849864 Report

Quoted By:

Oh, that's better than what I thought. I figured someone fucked it up somehow. Cool.


Anonymous No.70850370 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70850381 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone with Lex Arcana (English)


Anonymous No.70850464 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.70851441 Report

Quoted By:


If you have all the White Dwarfs from 2016 to now and all the spike magazines, you have the exact content of the Almanacs.


Anonymous No.70852042 Report

Quoted By:


Old School Hacks vol 3: Megadungeon Mayhem (DM's Guild)

Mike Schley maps for Princes of the Apocalypse

Sean Macdonald maps for Princes of the Apocalypse.



Anonymous No.70852463 Report

Do any of the troves have a PDF copy of Art and Arcana? I'm trying to get a hold of a high-res version of the art on the cover of the 1e DMG


Anonymous No.70853191 Report

Quoted By:

Hell I'd appreciate some good fantasy/sci-fi art-books. Find them occasionally in anon's troves, but for some reason don't see them often. Always fun for references and the like.


Anonymous No.70853229 Report

Quoted By:

Thanks to the nice anons and anonettes who help out.
Special thanks to our Facilitators who help people find things.

Have some cake!


Anonymous No.70853294 Report

It's in the D&D repository (/5th Edition/) and the O-S-R (/AD&D, D&D, OD&D (TSR)/Dungeons & Dragons Art and Comics/Art & Arcana, A Visual History/) trove.


Anonymous No.70853410 Report

Quoted By:

shalom dude, appreciate it


Anonymous No.70853783 Report

Quoted By:

Weirdly enough, r 3 br @ nd isn't working there, or is it another specific link? Or is the link already down for everybody else?


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